Supply chains have been dealing with challenging political environments across the globe. This is evidenced by the complexity and demands of global businesses which have made the reliability of supply chains uncertain, hence, it can be averred that the unreliability of supply chain processes is an issue that practicing managers must resolve. Specifically, in Ghana, supply chain disruptions are more prevalent as businesses develop and become more complex. This illustrates the importance of effective and efficient supply chain management in every institution. Supply chain management has moved from playing a “behind the scenes” organizational role to being a prime driver of businesses, hence it is considered as a key determinant in achieving and sustaining a competitive urge over other businesses. However, modern supply chains face unprecedented stress and are under an increased level of scrutiny. In view of this, there is a need to train professionals who are equipped to handle the major challenges in today’s shipping, logistics, and operations management and to understand the complex world of logistics, supply chain and trade industries. This is what prompted the introduction of the Supply Chain and Logistics Management programme to fill the gap in the industry by producing graduates who are equipped with the required knowledge and skill set to handle the roles and responsibilities in logistics and supply chain management.