Students of St John’s Grammar SHS Visit Heritage Christian University College

In an enriching experience aimed at broadening their academic and professional horizons, students of St John’s Grammar Senior High School in Accra visited Heritage Christian University College. The visit provided the students with a comprehensive tour of the university’s impressive facilities and an opportunity to interact with faculty members and department heads.

The students were warmly welcomed by the university staff and commenced their tour with the state-of-the-art Fair Learning Commons. This modern facility, equipped with extensive resources and a conducive learning environment, left a lasting impression on the young visitors.

Next, they explored the Center for Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, and Ethics, where they were introduced to the university’s innovative programs designed to nurture entrepreneurial skills, ethical leadership, and a spirit of giving back to society. The center’s initiatives and success stories inspired many students to consider future ventures in entrepreneurship and philanthropy.

The students also visited the university’s advanced Computer Lab, where they had the chance to observe and engage with cutting-edge technology and software that supports the university’s IT and computer science courses. The hands-on experience provided them with a glimpse into the practical aspects of computer-based education.

An exciting part of the tour was their visit to Truth TV, the university’s television studio. Here, the students learned about the various facets of television production, from behind-the-scenes technical work to on-screen presentation. They were encouraged to consider careers in media and broadcasting, sparking interest among those passionate about the field.

Throughout the visit, the students were mentored on personal and career development by the university’s experienced faculty. These sessions focused on guiding the students to identify their strengths, set realistic goals, and plan their academic and career paths effectively.

The tour concluded with a session where students could ask questions and seek advice from the faculty and department heads. This interaction provided valuable insights into university life and the diverse career opportunities available to them.

The visit to Heritage Christian University College was a significant and inspiring experience for the students of St John’s Grammar SHS, leaving them motivated and better informed about their future educational and career choices.