Student Success & Alumni Service

Student Success and Alumni Service

Students Success & Alumni Support Unit under the office of the Dean of Students is responsible for all student engagement and Alumni programs and services including the Students Representative Council (SRC), International Students and personal and career development initiatives, student conduct, students & alumni communications.

Additionally, the unit assists in managing a multi-channel communication plan to keep alumni informed about services & available opportunities.

It also provides student-focused services to help guide them to success in their studies. Staff provide support through learning strategies, mental health and wellness events, and by reducing and/or removing educational-related barriers through accommodation planning with students.


Dr. Ebenezer Ayesu
Head, Student Success and Alumni Service

SSAS Staff

Seyram Djokpe (Head Administrative Assistant)

Officer in charge of Heritage Alumni

Nurudeen M. Adams (Administrative Assistant)

Officer in charge of Current/continuing Students Affairs

Bright Kofi Acquah Inkoom (Administrative Assistant)

Officer in charge of International Student Affairs