Prof. Nicholas Kyei-Baffour

After his first degree in October 1987 and the subsequent mandatory two-year national service, he was appointed as a Teaching Assistant in September 1989 at the same department. He has since bettered his education up to the PhD, rising through the ranks by dint of hard work to become the first full Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at KNUST and Ghana in October 2010. He has trained many students including the first male/female PhDs in his field in Ghana and has had quality training in tertiary education management abroad.

He is the immediate past Dean of School of Graduate Studies and was Dean of two other Faculties, Vice Dean/Head of Department/Section, and deputised for every Provost of his college. He has served on all academic-related boards of KNUST and even chaired some committees and boards. He is an astute and a very active academic/engineer/consultant who has consulted for MIDA/JICA/IFAD/MOFA and others. He is a consummate researcher/prolific writer with over 160 publications comprising over half century peer-reviewed journal papers, five (5) books and 11 chapters/sections of six (6) books, 33 refereed conference proceedings and over 30 technical and other reports. His expertise include water resources, irrigation and drainage, feasibility studies, evaluation of projects, erosion and agricultural pollution control, salinity and sodicity, rural water supply and sanitation, vegetable oil extraction and writing business plans for agriculturists. He reviews for many academic journals and functions as an external examiner/assessor and moderator for most public/technical universities and the CSIR in Ghana.

He served on the academic boards of KNUST and the Accra Institute of Technology. He is currently a member of GhIE and was an alternate professor on the Appointments and Promotions Committee of KNUST. He is chairman of the Junior Member Disciplinary Committee of the University. He contributed in no small measure to motivating staff in his department such that it is ranked among the best.