About CEPE

About CEPE

The Center for Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy and Ethics (CEPE) is a non-profit Center of the Heritage Christian College (HCC) that seeks to support students, faculty, other employees of HCC and the entire HCC Community with entrepreneurial skills and financial support to undertake viable entrepreneurial ventures. The CEPE is an independent Center of HCC with the objective of developing and nurturing ethical entrepreneurs with the spirit of philanthropy. The objectives of CEPE are the Core Values of HCC. They include Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy Ethics and Global Exposure.

HCC believes that if the economy of Ghana is to advance and provide better living conditions and better opportunities for all citizens, the economy must expand. Growth and expansion of the economy means more sustainable employment opportunities, creating more income which will ultimately be translated into a reduction in the level of poverty in the economy. One of the core philosophies of HCC is to develop and nurture all members of the HCC Community (students, faculty and other employees of HCC) to be in positions to create sustainable employment opportunities in Ghana and beyond.

HCC’s philosophy of philanthropy is premised on the biblical principle that:

“… Everyone to whom much is given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom much is entrusted, more will be demanded of him.” Luke 12:48

HCC students and graduates will be equipped with practical tools that should make them thrive. Consequently, HCC students, graduates, faculty and other employees are expected to exhibit the Christ like character of philanthropy by generously contributing to the present and future wellbeing of less privileged members of society. It is therefore a core objective of CEPE to instil in HCC students, graduates, faculty and other employees of HCC the virtue of philanthropy.

HCC’s values are shaped by the teachings of Christ. Students, graduates, faculty and other employees of HCC are expected to apply Christian ethics in all their conduct, including business pursuits. One core objective of CEPE is to nurture ethical entrepreneurs consistent with the values of Christ.

Global Exposure
HCC’s students, graduates, faculty and other members of the HCC community will be exposed to global academic and business standards so that they add value to society wherever they may be.

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