Team Liberation Hub of Heritage Featured on Impact Week Website

Heritage Christian University > News > Imapct > Team Liberation Hub of Heritage Featured on Impact Week Website

Success story of Impact Week in Ghana 2023

During Impact Week Ghana in November last year, three teams generated ideas for the challenge “How can we support women in Ghana to be part of society during their periods, even though traditional hygiene products are often too expensive or unavailable?”.

The first prize went to the team from “Liberation Hub”, which came up with their idea to provide reusable menstrual pads for poor girls and to educate the society that menstruation is something bloody normal and should not be a taboo!

The two other teams that worked on the same challenge joined forces with the Liberation Hub team as they were all very committed to further drive their idea to empower young girls in Ghana. Now, after 6 months the team already educated over 1,000 girls, boys, parents & teachers in local primary schools and distributed reusable sanitary pads.

Michael Oppong, the head of the project, reports on his recent visits to local junior high schools: “The girls spoke of shame, of missing school for fear of leakage and blood stains on their clothes. Another girl shared how she was ashamed to ask her mother for money for sanitary pads, knowing that the family struggled to put food on the table. Yet another told how she tried to hide her period by using torn pieces of cloth, which made her uncomfortable and afraid of infection.”

Big applause for Michael Oppong and his team for turning their great idea into reality and for continuing to fight for a better world! We feel inspired by the impact you create!


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