News and Updates

Heritage Christian College Holds 2nd Graduation

Heritage Christian College, a university in Amasaman-Accra, has held its 2nd Graduation as well as the 20th Commissioning Ceremony of Ministers of the Gospel from the Heritage Bible Institute.

Heritage Christian College holds maiden graduation

The Heritage Christian College (HCC) has held its maiden Graduation ceremony. The event which took place at the university campus located at Amasaman in Greater Accra on December 14, 2019...

Heritage Christian College holds 2nd Public Lecture

Heritage Christian College (HCC) has held a public lecture aimed at drawing the attention of the public to issues of national development. The event which was on the theme: “I...

Heritage Christian College Awards 5 Groups In Start – Up Challenge

The Centre for Entrepreneurship Philanthropy and Ethics (CEPE) of Heritage Christian College (HCC) has awarded 5 Student Groups who emerged as winners of the 2nd edition of the HCC Start...
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